Tag Archives: Jockstrap

How to choose a cup

http://www.livestrong.com/article/176225-how-to-choose-an-athletic-cup/ This is a article telling you how to choose the right athletic cup for you.  The article gives you different sizes for different sized people and tells you how to choose compression shorts and jockstraps.

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Compression shorts

This is a good description of the benefits of compression shorts. Most people find them more comfortable and have less chafing then jockstraps. I personally still find jockstraps more comfortable but compression are a very good option and most people … Continue reading

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Jockstraps aren’t hip any more

http://www.slate.com/articles/sports/sports_nut/2005/07/where_have_all_the_jockstraps_gone.html This article goes into jockstraps and how kids don’t like to wear them any more.  A jockstrap, if your not aware, is a piece of equipment that holds in your cup and it does look kind of funny as … Continue reading

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